Undone is a half-hour genre-bending animation series that explores the elastic nature of reality through its central character, Alma (Rosa Salazar), a 28 year-old assistant at a kindergarten school living in San Antonio, Texas. After getting into a near fatal car accident, she discovers she has a new relationship with time and uses her ability to uncover the truth about the death of her father (Bob Odenkirk) during herĀ much younger years.
This is a story about reality testing. This original take on time-travel comes from different origins, mental health and wellbeing. The spectator is taken on a journey with the main character unsure about truth told in one of the most visually stunning and appropriate ways. Alma suffers from her loss, but has developed new ways of dealing with it to connect deeply to her father and the struggle of their history.
This show has allowed immersion for and empathy towards the fights one has dealing with mental illness at the same time as connecting the audience to the spirituality of the character that allows her to see further transcendence and understanding.
This experience was only possible through the format it has taken, being motion captured blended with rotoscoping. Undone is one of the most noteworthy projects that have made use of rotoscoping. This allows the creator to blur the line between reality and fiction all the while embarking the viewer into a dream state.
Undone was premiered and released on Amazon Prime in September 2019.
Creators | Raphael Bob-Waksberg Kate Purdy |
Director | Hisko Hulsing |
Executive Producers | Noel Bright Steven A. Cohen Tommy Pallotta |
Production Company | Tornante Company |
Coproduction | Submarine Minnow Mountain |
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This film was supported by the Netherlands Film Production Incentive |
Genre | Adult Animation Dramedy |
Duration | 8x 22′ |